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Accessories for osmosis systems (23 Products)

23 Products

Montageservice Industrie-Umkehrosmose-Anlagen

Die Einbaupauschale beinhaltet den Standard-Einbau* und die Inbetriebnahme einer Umkehrosmoseanlage RO-03 bis RO-15, inkl. der Fahrtkosten. Ohne Filtereinbau.
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Limitron Härtekontrollgerät 1,25"

Automatisches Härtekontrollgerät zum Einbau nach Enthärtungsanlagen.
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Vorfilter-Set BIG für REOS-PRO Anlagen ab RO-45

 Vorfilterset im Rahmen montiert, mit Sedimentfilter 20 micron, Carbonfilter und Sediment 5 micron
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Absperrhahn 2'' AQF

Absperrhahn 2" zum Absperren der Verbindungsleitung DN 50
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Vorfilter-Set 10" für REOS-PRO Anlagen RO-04

Vorfilter-Set 10" für RO-PRO Anlagen bestehend aus: Block-Carbon 10µ 10", Filterkerze PP 5µ 10", Filterkerze PP 20µ 10", 3x Filtergehäuse
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Basispaket Verbindungsleitung AQF

Basispaket Verbindungsleitung DN50 für 2 Tanks AQF mit 2 Hähnen 1,5''
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Vorfilter-Set 20" für REOS-PRO Anlagen für RO-08 und RO-15

 Vorfilterset im Rahmen montiert, mit Sedimentfilter 20 micron, Carbonfilter und Sediment 5 micron
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Inbetriebnahme REOS-PRO-Anlagen Plug & Play

Die Inbetriebnahmepauschale beinhaltet die Inbetriebnahme einer bauseits betriebsfertig installierten Umkehrosmoseanlage RO-03 bis RO-15 Plug & Play .
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Membrane für REOS HOME gekapselt

Gekapselte Membrane für Gutzzi Umkehrosmoseanlage
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PE-Lagerbehälter für Trinkwasser AQF 570 (570 Liter)

  • Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Polyethylen
  • Geeignet für Trinkwasser und Betriebswasser
  • Unterdrückt Algenbildung
  • Mit Deckel 240 mm und 2 Verschraubungen 2"
  • Abmessungen (LxBxH): 720x720x1430, Bruttoinhalt 570 L
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Here you will find all accessories for the osmosis system. In reverse osmosis, all undesirable, dissolved substances in the water are removed using purely mechanical means. The water is filtered through a semi-permeable membrane. The resulting osmotic effect produces highly pure drinking water (permeate). The filtered substances are not collected here, but are released into the wastewater, which means the environment is not polluted. Reverse osmosis systems have become established worldwide and have proven themselves millions of times over. This process is even used to desalinate seawater on a large scale. Very few natural sources have the purity of the water produced by reverse osmosis.

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Umkehrosmoseanlagen für den Privatgebrauch
Umkehrosmoseanlagen für Industrie und Gewerbe
Plug & Play complete systems with softening

Latest Reviews

Michael W.
Nov 30, 2024
Friendly and courteous
Jul 25, 2022
Runs and runs and runs. :-)
Rocco S.
Feb 18, 2022
Easy to use, great system
Marieke A.
Nov 4, 2021
Very good quality.
Conny-Kurt K.
Oct 7, 2021

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Product: ZIP countertop reverse osmosis system / water filter system

80 upvotes 1 answers
Yes, that is the big advantage of this system. It can be operated anywhere where there is electricity. The water to be treated is simply poured into the tank.

Product: ZIP countertop reverse osmosis system / water filter system

71 upvotes 1 answers
This system does not require any installation. Like a fully automatic coffee machine, it is simply placed on a table or in the kitchen, filled with water and connected to the power supply. The treated water ends up in a tank and can be easily removed.

Product: REOS Plug & Play reverse osmosis system with water softener

70 upvotes 1 answers
Our industrial reverse osmosis systems achieve a conductivity of less than 10 µS. The system has a built-in display to monitor the conductivity. If a lower conductivity is to be achieved, we recommend using a mixed bed cartridge after the osmosis system. You can find this under the system accessories.

Product: REOS HOME under-counter reverse osmosis system

56 upvotes 1 answers

Here you have to distinguish between two operating modes:

  • Standby mode : The tank is full and no water is being drawn off. In this case, the system does not make any noise.
  • Treatment mode : Water has been drawn off or the tank is being initially filled. In this case, the pump starts to increase efficiency. When the pump is running, the noise level of the system is less than 40 decibels (assuming it is in a closed cabinet), which is about the volume of a quiet conversation or quiet background noise in a library. This makes it ideal for use in kitchens, offices or practices where peace and quiet and a disturbance-free environment are important. The pump switches off immediately when the tank has been refilled (within a few minutes).

Product: REOS HOME under-counter reverse osmosis system

53 upvotes 1 answers

The REOS HOME system is primarily designed for the filtration of tap water. Here are the details of the different types of water that can be filtered:

  • Tap water: The system is ideal for filtering municipal tap water. It effectively removes contaminants such as chlorine, heavy metals, uranium, calcium, sodium, nitrate, medical residues and microorganisms up to 99%.

  • Well water: The system can also filter well water, provided it meets the basic requirements for raw water for reverse osmosis systems. Well water can contain varying amounts of sediment and contaminants, so it is important to test the water quality before installation. A coarser pre-filter and in some cases an iron filter may be necessary before the system.

  • Rainwater: With appropriate pre-filtration, the system can also filter rainwater. However, it is recommended that the water is first pre-treated using sediment and carbon filters to remove larger particles and organic contaminants. Please note, however, that with rainwater, the filter replacement intervals can vary greatly (depending on the level of contamination).

  • Spring water: The system can also be used to filter spring water if the water is first tested for gross impurities and pretreated if necessary.

  • For all of the water types mentioned, it is important to ensure that the water quality meets the requirements of the reverse osmosis system to ensure optimal performance and service life of the filters. If there is any uncertainty about the water quality, a water analysis should be carried out and additional pre-filters installed if necessary.

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